Friday, October 15, 2010

Blogspot, you and I had a great thing going but I think it's time to break things off. No, it's not's me. I've been seeing someone else. I'm sorry.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Ok, so blogging is not my specialty...we established that from the start. Meh. June was a supremely hectic month though and a lot of things happened; though I wanted to blog about them, some issues were better left untouched. I will be blogging more, I have a lot to talk about, and I will cover some things from the last month, BUT for right now I just had to post this. This is from yesterday's party for my awesome friend, Deidre, who will be turning 19 on the 6th and shipping out for the Navy on the 12th. She wanted a bounce house/water slide and beer pong for her combination party. Throw in her mom, Debbie, (who happens to be the woman who trained/mentored me as a hair stylist,) and hilarity ensues. The sudden 'oh shit' face is epic.

And yes, that is me cackling in the background. Props to Zannie for capturing win at life.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Holy hell.

Yep, this (^up there, yea, click on it,) is where I have been the last month...obsessively lusting after Damon Salvatore, (Ian Somerhalder.)

Don't know who I'm talking about? Not wanting or willing to click the link? Here, allow me to provide some incentive...

Thank you, to whatever higher power, for extremely sexy, bad boy vampires.

And yes, that is all I'm posting after a month of neglect, deal with it. Excuse me now while I go watch clips and fantasize some more about a fictional character. least I'm not on here screaming 'Team Edward', right? =\

Sunday, April 4, 2010

While at the grocery store doing some shopping and waiting for the pharmacy to ready my Super Bu regimen of antibiotics, (I have been insanely sick the last 2ish weeks, hence the lack of posts,) I came across this...

I was practically on the floor and people were staring strangely at the epitome of maturity that is I.

And it's microwavable too? Sweet! Nothing hits the spot like some hot spotted dick.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

So...the AFI concert. I'm not going to go into crazy detail here for 2 reasons.

1 : If you've seen an AFI show then you know there are no words that can truly encompass how remarkable and undeniably amazing they are live.

2 : If you haven't seen an AFI show then you need to. Right now. GO!!

But yea, I was in "my spot" as it has been rightfully named, (on the barricade about six inches right of Jade's mic.) Opening bands were awesome, Scarlet's Grey and then The Loved Ones...definitely made up for the disaster we had in Orlando who went by the name of Johnny Craig...*shudder* Anyways, AFI's set was fantastic; music was spot on, as always, the energy was incredible both from the band and the fans, and the DF was out in full, unbridled force. Some pictorial evidence for you here...

Absolutely stunning. I honestly don't think I have enough adjectives in my vocabulary to describe it all so I'll just leave it at that.

I managed to obtain (finagle) Jade's setlist after the show...

Lead singer of ModernHell took it right off the stage for me (Thank you Alex!! Awesome, hellaXrad job on "Love Is A Many..." btw, you killed it in a totally righteous way!!)

Hung out after the show with the DF fam. I got to talk to Adam again and took what has been dubbed the "cheesy myspace picture."

Stayed even later with a few die-hards and got to meet Davey too. Davey doesn't do pictures but I did get his sig, (even though it looks like he had a mild seizure in the process of signing my CD sleeve.)

Of course Jade's an elusive bastard, (lol, no I love ya man,) so I'll just have to wait until either the summer tour or the next BA show. One way or the other it will be finished, even if I have to wait another 12 fucking years. It's really ok though because that's just one more reason to go to every show possible until I get it completed.

So that's that...amazing band + awesome friends = killer, kick ass night! One more down in the record book. Ciao!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I met Davey Havok.

Yep, I think that about covers it.


No, really, it was an amazing show (as always,) but seeing as it's 4AM on the dot right now, I will do the whole story thing and pictures tomorrow. For real this time, nighty night!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Today was a fun day. Like seriously fun. I don't think I've laughed as much in the last year, at the very least, as I did today. The following photos are a result of the combined boredom of 3 creative (albeit crazy creative) stylists...

For some oddball reason, I just could not stop laughing. Hmm. It shall remain a mystery.

The finished style...

The aftermath...

And this is why I love my job. Even in our down time we're doing hair and loving every second of it! It's not a chore, it's not just a's life and it's hella fun!! I feel so lucky that in the world we live in, where so many people wake up moaning and groaning, bitching and complaining that they have to go to work, I can honestly say I love what I do. Even at 5:15AM on a Monday morning, when "Torch Song" is blaring from my phone and rousing me (not so gently) from sleep, I am to start my day. Grateful no longer covers it. If pride is a sin I am most certainly going straight to hell...and I'm looking forward to it. (< As long as they have flat irons that is.)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Look Ma, no eyebrows!! Er...well...yea, you know what I mean. Not too bad for the first time around. Definitely needs improvement and some tweaking, but all around the only bad thing was how long it took. And just so it's known, this was done without instruction, without a tutorial, without anything. Inspiration was taken from others that have done butterfly designs of course, but when it came down to was just me, a picture of a Monarch butterfly, and my liquid eyeliner.

I think the edges are way too thick and the colors can be way brighter, but as I said it's not bad for a first go-round. I'll tinker with it when I have more time during the week definitely!

Alrighty, it's back to writing I go. Ciao, (for good today!)
So much for my weekend. It was productive on a professional level, I have to say, but a total bust for what I had planned. I worked Saturday and it was an awesome day, but then I totally forgot I had volunteered to help paint the salon on Sunday. We have a top Redken artist coming in next week for a class so we wanted to spruce up the place. We just touched up nicks and holes, repainted those spots, and then changed the color on two walls to add accent. The plan is to change the base board and crown molding color too, but that has to wait til next weekend. It looks great and the boss took us out to dinner afterward which was nice, but yea, my relaxing day off turned into a paint covered one. Oh well, we did have a bit of fun doing paint fights though, thankfully.

Other than that, there's really nothing new to report. Writing project is going good, makeup is still hella fun, and ONE MORE WEEK til AFI!! Tres exciting!

Well, I'm going to go and enjoy my day off now, I may try that butterfly technique I mentioned in my last post since I have time today. If I do you will hear from me later today with some pictures (minus the furry eyebrows because, as promised, I got them taken care of.) Ciao!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Yes, I know...eyebrows...I am well aware. Ya know, they need to grow out a bit before you can wax them off.

Ok, ok, I will get them done tomorrow at work. I promise.
So I had an awesome "last day" at work. By "last day" I mean that I start my new level tomorrow, as per the promotion I mentioned (and showed a picture of) in the first of yesterday's post. Hella. Speaking of yesterday, I thought I'd add these to the bunch....

Yea, I decided to have fun with color today. Same leopard print concept, but it just goes to show that it's versatile and you can mix it up. I think I'm going to do the tiger print tomorrow for work because it's my favorite, but over the weekend I think I want to try out this cool butterfly technique. I'll post pictures if I do.

So...yea, nothing too exciting going on here that I haven't said already. Obviously I've just been playing with makeup...a lot. My writing project is coming along nicely. It's flowing now and finally getting to where it's almost writing itself. It's like that show ghost writer...words are just appearing on the screen. Magical. It's pretty badass.

Well, with nothing else to report or talk about, I bid you a goodnight. If I think of anything constructive or even something really random, I won't hesitate to post again. Ciao!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

As promised, I bring you amazing animal prints...(be forewarned, these are all really, really big pictures as I did not crop them down. So if you click on them you will see great, vivid detail. Ugh...I am well aware now that I need my eyebrows waxed. Grr. Oh well, please, please disregard.)

^^So tired of trying to get decent pictures in my horribly lit bathroom at this point, can you tell?

And that is that. I'll post more at a later date. I definitely want to do my 5 color rainbow and get better pictures of my 'vampire/gothic' one, so look forward to seeing those. With that being said and done, I bid you a goodnight for I have work tomorrow. Ciao!!
Neglect...I know and I shall make up for it. Still working on my writing assignment, but I bring you fabulous news and some hella awesome pictures.

Promotion! Booyah bitches! *fist pump*

New hellaXrad makeup technique. (Kinda shitty picture of the actual makeup but kick ass picture of what the colors do for my eyes!) I will be posting more of these as I try new ones.

Saw this beauty on my way home from work yesterday and was just barely able to snap the shot with my phone. Epic win or epic fail?? The jury is still out on this.

I have the day off today, so between my writing I may try some of my new makeup techniques to keep from going crazy. If I do, I will post pictures later on and continue making amends for the severe blog neglect. Two or three posts in one day should do it, yea? Yea. Ciao (for now!)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Writer's block sucks a ginormous Clydesdale horse's cock! A big, hairy, nasty one!!

Vulgar, yes. Do I fucking care? No.

Allow me to elaborate. I was issued a writing challenge on the 14th and since then all I have been doing aside from working, or rather, trying to do, is write. I have the entire thing planned out in my head, in vivid detail, but putting pen to paper...well, fingers to keyboard, is a whole different story. I know once I get going everything will be fine, but for me one of the hardest things to do in writing is set the opening scene. Once I perfect that, the rest comes easy because I don't feel the need to backtrack or explain things that were set up in the base. Getting that opening scene perfect, being as OCD as I am, is a task in and of itself. I have spent the last week tweaking and twisting and rewriting all of 5 paragraphs. You read right...5 fucking paragraphs!!! Grrrrr.

So yea, blogging got put on the back burner. Though right now in the midst of trying to write, thoroughly frustrated and needing a break after being up for the last 2 days, I bring you this lovely update. I am going to attempt to get back on track with my endeavor now, but I just had to vent.


Sunday, February 14, 2010


(transitive verb: -ized, -iz·ing, -iz·es.)

  1. To apply methods of business to for profit.
    1. To do, exploit, or make chiefly for financial gain.
    2. To sacrifice the quality of for profit.

Love should be celebrated for all time, not just one day a year.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day off of work...check.

Tax return...check.

Super uber rad 6 hour shopping spree...hella.

Oh yea, spent the day at the mall yesterday and it was kick ass. I love to shop, but I honestly think I'm one of the fastest shoppers of the female persuasion. I literally made it through the entire mall in just a few short hours. I'm not one to stop at every store and 'ohh' and 'ahh' and 'oh that's cute' at everything I see. I, for the most part, know what I want and am in and out of a store pretty quick. That is all except for Sephora, I could spend an eternity in there playing with all the makeup palettes. Speaking of, I purchased an Urban Decay palette that is simply stunning. I currently (at 11PM) have rainbow shadow on that was applied at 7:45AM this morning.

Albeit, it was far brighter upon application and my phone takes shitty pictures, but I'm certain you can see the benefits of paying $$ for good quality makeup.

I also bought my first ever pair of skinny jeans. Yes, I said first ever and it was actually two pairs. Nevertheless, I could never find a pair that fit me right as I am pretty shapely, but I found a really nice pair at Hot Topic and fell in love the second I put them on. I must say, and not to sound egotistical, but my ass looks fantastic in them! With the right heels, which I wore today along with my new (and insanely loved) fedora, I must confess I felt pretty damn hot. Although, I also must admit to having slight difficulties securing the straps of the aforementioned heels as I have never experienced the bendability (not really a word, but I'm keeping it,) or rather, lack there of, of said skinny jeans. Go ahead, laugh.

Among my many other spending endeavors I also made a stop at Bath & Body Works to stock up on my Black Amethyst collection, finally restocked my Britney Spears 'Fantasy' perfume, updated my music collection with the new Cradle of Filth album and the deluxe edition of Crash Love (just because I wanted the 4 extra songs,) found a few steals in a $7 Son of Sam album and a $9 Danzig album, and, of course, pit stopped for a soy chai latte at Starbucks. Found this really awesome pair of suspenders too; black with colorful musical notations, like bass & treble clefts and music notes on them. Got a couple of cool necklaces too and did I mention the hellaxrad fedora?! I bought some clothes too but nothing truly exciting, just a few nice shirts for work and the jeans.

Fuck I love to shop.

And that was my adventure yesterday. I did however, and I'm very proud of myself for it, make it out of the mall with a decent chunk of my tax return still in the bank. Top it all off with getting paid today (*fist pump*) and I'm still fairly tapped. Kick ass shopping spree while still being responsible...sweetness.

So that's that. I hope everyone else has as much (reasonable) fun as I did with my return! On that note, I bid you a very goodnight!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Okay so I was supposed to do this like two days ago but I am a busy girl...sue me. Let's rewind, backtrack to Thursday which started out normally; woke up, did the morning routine, went to work, ect. The day seemed to crawl, of course, but I clocked out at 4 and got ready there at the salon. I got changed, had another stylist do my hair, and did my makeup with some sick Urban Decay colors, black, gold, and the most prominent one a bright, sparkly green in dedication. It looked kick ass, I should have taken pictures for my portfolio. Anyways, I drove over to Kellie's and upon entering her room she looked up at me, blow dryer in hand, and uttered a desperate "help me!"


So I got her hair fixed (which looked fabulous btw) and we were off to dinner at Tina Tapas. We sung along to the soundtrack of 'Wicked' as we drove out to Tampa and parked for $10 just to eat dinner because there was a hockey game that night at the forum. Go figure. (Bah, the Lightening suck anyways.) The restaurant was delish; Tapas is a Spanish concept meaning 'small dishes' or 'small portions' so Kellie and I ordered a bunch to share. The Ahi tuna was awesome, as was the baked crab fondue-like dip, but the cheese freak in me devoured the baked goat cheese and especially the manchego and mango quesadillas. Incredibly yummy.

We left from the restaurant and headed to the PAC which was packed. If I'm not mistaken the show sold out so we got in, got drinks, and made our way to our seats. We sat dead center in the front row of the gallery but the PAC is a smaller theater, one of those ones that no matter where you sit you see everything, so the seats were actually perfect.

The lights went out and the show started. I was immediately enthralled, especially since I have not had the chance to see a play since I saw 'Footloose' on Broadway. It's quite funny now, looking back, that I had predicted and knew that I was going to get emotional...but realizing right off the bat just how emotional I was going to get...grrr. When Elphaba (the wicked witch) ran out onto that stage for the first time I immediately teared up and went 'oh shit, this is going to be a lot worse than I originally thought." As I said previously, I hate crying. I have to say though, I didn't start actually crying until she sang "I'm Not That Girl," but then "Defying Gravity" (the epic end of the first act) had me balling. Put it this way...I had Urban Decay running down my face....URBAN DECAY!! You can't touch UD, or MAC for that matter, those two just don't budge until you make them...I managed though, that's how bad I was crying. Kellie just laughed at my black & green face. Hmph.

There, of course, was a 15 minute intermission and then onto the second act. I made it about halfway through before I started tearing up again at the reprise of "I'm Not That Girl," all through "As Long As Your Mine," and back to full on crying during "No Good Deed" and "For Good." Oh yea, and I almost fell off of the balcony when I stood up too fast for the standing ovations at the end of both acts. It's slightly disorienting leaping to your feet in the dark, on the top balcony, when you've been sitting for the last hour and a half.

Donna Vivino, who played Elphaba, was a phenomenal performer and had a seriously impressive voice and range. The girl who played Glinda was great too, a little bit of over-acting on her part, but she performed one of the best and the damn funniest "Popular" I have ever seen. The little quips and the sheer wit of the play was fantastic. In one scene Elphaba comes home to her sister and Nessa asks, "Elphaba, what are you doing here?" to which Elphaba replies, "Well, there's no place like home." It was one hell of a show, I can tell you that much...highly, highly recommend it!

And that was that. We drove home with me riding shotgun, emotionally drained and tired, yawning every few seconds even though it was barely after 11 o'clock. I'm starting my saving now for the next time it comes around because even though I saw every bit of of the play clearly from the gallery, I want the orchestra experience more than anything now. Though next time, I will remember to not wear such intense makeup.

Friday, February 5, 2010




This will have to do for the moment.

Full review of the show tomorrow because I am going to sleep now. Work in the morning which means I'm up at 5AM. Yay.

Oh well, I am looking forward to the dreams of DEFYING GRAVITY!!! Goodnight!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's been a few days and, thankfully, my 'I hate the world', bad vibe-induced bitchiness has faded. It's not an issue that will go away anytime soon, nor is it something that my outlook or ideals will change towards, but I am moving on. I have some awesome things going on right now and I can't be brought down!

My Redken class was fucking amazing! I cannot believe the amount of motivation and inspiration brought on by a fellow educator and stylist. Leah was phenomenal; her knowledge of Redken products, her attitude, the way she spoke, and especially the info and tips she gave us. I learned so much and am so thankful we made it to the class, (we were a few minutes late on account of getting really fucking lost.)

Also, I am super hella excited for tomorrow night! I finally get to see Wicked : The Musical!!! I have been waiting for this for a long time now and I have a sneaking suspicion that I am going to start balling at the end of "Defying Gravity" and possibly during "I'm Not That Girl." I hate to cry, I absolutely loathe crying, but in this instance I am almost kinda looking forward to it. Go figure. I guess I don't mind crying as much when it concerns music and/or something that really moves me. I certainly have no problem getting teary at the AFI shows, that's for sure!

Anyways, I am off to bed, busy day at work and then crazy awesome night ahead of me!! I'll be back soon with a full review, (in all of it's fangirl glory,) of Wicked. Nighty night!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

To further add to yesterday's argument, I bring to you the topic of interest among the girls at work today.

Excuse me while I go find and reattach the other half of my tongue...I seem to have bitten it clean off today.

I'm not entirely sure whether to be completely appalled or utterly amused at the ignorance. I guess you can be the judge because I just don't have a coherent thought about it at the moment.

What I do know is that as far as the second picture goes...honey you have fun with that craft fair bullshit, I'll be 3 inches from the TV with a six pack and my big fucking mouth!